The #ILoveGay Store
CLICK HERE to purchase your t-shirt or tank today!
Less Likes, More Love!
BE BOLD! Stand Out and Proud with our new merchandise.
#ILoveGay is fast becoming one of the top hashtags used on social media for our community, whether you're in Miami, NYC, Mumbai or London... or whether your world is Sports, Theatre, Art and more!
The story behind #ILoveGay - In today's world, one may ask "Why #ILoveGay?" Why not #ILoveLGBTQ? As a company, what we chose to create was a hashtag that tied in closely with what was currently being used by the LGBTQ community on social media, whether on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. The dominant hashtags used online by our community include #Instagay, #GayMiami, #GayNYC, etc. There are a few instances where LGBT or LGBTQ is used, such as #LGBTHistory, #LGBTSeniors and #LGBTQTwitter, but for the most part, the term "gay" is used in the hashtag world by LGBTQ users to encompass all gender spectrums, especially when there are only 280 characters to use in a post.
So we decided to create a brand that tied into and brought the LGBTQ hashtag world together, as #ILoveGay. We found people from all walks of life loved our message and our design, and what our company stood for. Our tanks were SO successful at #WorldPride2019, we decided to sell them, while creating an LGBTQ brand that can help bring our global community just a little closer together, both online and in the real world!